Hope you are well. Here is just a quick summary of me so far.
Dan Moore's quick bio:
MA major model idea:
I am planning to model 2, related characters over Term 3 and Term 4. The first character is a robot dog that has been crafted out of motorcycle pieces and generally has the style of a custom build bike. The plan is to model and texture this as if it has been around for a while, i.e. a bit scratched and rusty. The second character is going to be a big fat biker mechanic. The idea is that it is this human character that has built the robot dog as his companion and protector. Below are a couple of views of the current design:

Term 2 (Group Project):
This can be found on YouTube at the URL below. On this project I took on the majority of the modelling, lighting, texturing and compositing. Group Project Movie
Work that I completed in the first term of the MA can be found on my MySpace, Dan's MySpace Vids, but this is not overly relevant.
Past work:
Previous to coming on this MA course, I completed a BA in Industrial Design. After this I worked for 3-4 years as a Creative Designer in the retail design industry, producing marker and 3D Studio Max visuals of Point-Of-Sale and retail interior spaces.
Some of the work that I produced during this time can be found on my website www.danmoore3d.com, although this site is about 3 years old and was built during a series of lunch breaks.
Also, here is some other work that I have done a bit more recently.

Any advice, criticism, etc would be greatly appreciated.
Many thanks,