Hi Andrew,
Hope you are well. Have started to blockout the base mesh for my second character (biker mechanic who built the dog from last term).
Started with some concept work and then made some rotoscope images. I have never modelled a human before so I have been following an organic modelling dvd in order to get the right kind of topology.
The problem I am having is that in the tutorial the model is lean and muscular and my character is a bit chubby. Even at this early stage I am seeing that I may run into some problems when it comes to adding in some of the skin folds. If you have any pointers as to how the topology will differ from skinny guy it would really help.
Ultimately, most of this skin area is going to be covered with clothes, but I would have thought that the clothes should follow a similar to the body........???
That brings me on the the next thing.........clothing...........I had planned to use the body's mesh as a start point for making the clothing, does this sound like a good idea or am I better to just start from scratch?
Anyway here are some images:
