Just like to say thanks for giving the time to take a look at some of my past, present and future creations. Its much appreciated and i look forward to talking with you over the next weeks.
So to start the ball rolling i have a website
There is a selection of images from my illustration degree i took from 2003/06 down at University college Falmouth. The artwork in the 'conceptual' section are far more recent and fuelled me in the direction i have now taken.
I throughally enjoyed my time at falmouth learning much about traditional art techniques in life drawing, painting, colour,composition and as my art style moved into Film/animation based representational illustration.
I have a love for concept art, for both film and Video games. Equally i enjoy exploring the process from 2d concepts into 3d which is what im currently pushing all my efforts into. After two terms of hardcore XSI learning we embarked on the Group Project.
The concept was one of my own, which i presented and ended up with a group of 7 to work on it with me. I modelled the main character, created a Matte painting for scene1, and took hold of a portion of storyboarding. Art direction and general management where a daily activity and finally i produced the Music.
Matte Painting:

Initial character designs:
Final Character DesignZbrush Detailling
Final Render in XSI.
My main modelling priorities were:
- to create a character which was not symetrical , but one which had very odd leg and arm setups.
- to create character profiles
- to learn Low poly modelling in xsi
- to get to grips with high poly detailling using zbrush Intergration between xsi + zbrush
- Texturing
- Normal mapping
- Displacement + cavity mappingrendering these elements in XSI with successful quality (especially the displacements!)
In hindsight i feel that i have learnt all of these skills to a degree, and now feel confident to take them further in my final major project.Which brings me onto what i have chosen to do over the next two terms.
-To Conceptualise, model, texture and animate a character based on a fusion between Leaf insect, preying mantis, Plants, Human and Biotechnology. Many elements to fuse, so I have included a number of concept sketches and reference images to hopefully clarify the direction im going in.
My main goals are:
-To create a character which looks Organic, growing, without metal or man made elements except the human inside.
-To trick the viewer into thinking we are watching plants, leaves, organic structures grow, when in fact it is far more mobile.
-High detailled model using highpoly count detailling in Zbrush/mudboxCorrect use of low poly and high poly for normal mapping to speed up rendering times.
-Subsurface scattering for the leaf effects. (hoping to team up with MSC programming student who is coding a fast SSS shader)
What are the current and future trends regarding HighPoly, very detailled modelling techniques that would best suite my workflow? At what point do i stop displacement and move into Texture art?
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