Friday 20 July 2007

AM - Emma WIP

Hey Emma
I've had a look at your animations and I like what you're attempting to do with the animated glowing curves.
I'm not sure how locked down you are at the moment with your camera, but it would be great to allow more time focus on your matte painting environment at the end. I felt as soon as you get the big moment it disappears and doesn't allow enough time to soak it up.You could also play around with the lens and camera angles to add a feeling of height to your architectural elements to give them that WOW factor. I would also recommend incorporating one feature that is really close to the camera. You can detail this with textures or photo projections and it will give the viewer the impression that all the distant elements are this detailed and impressive.
Not sure what else I can comment on at the moment, but I'm really intrigued about this one and can't wait to see what else you've got.

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