Tuesday, 14 August 2007

AM - Phil WIP

Hey Phil

Your rider model is looking cool, there are some really good signs of understanding topology and anatomy. I agree with you that the head still needs a little work. I would be interested in seeing what photographic reference you are using. From the looks of things I would say you are just using the wrong camera focal length or reference which uses a wide angle lens eg:28mm

When selecting reference its best to try and find images that feel flat and have been taken with longer lenses. Most photographers will shoot with a prime lens and not a zoom which means your best options for matching a camera lens would be 28mm, 35mm, 50mm, 85mm.
When we shoot digital doubles we have a lot more control over our images and measurements are taken of everything and we create Canon lenses in Maya to match the on set camera. We also de-warp our images to completely flatten our photos to remove any distortion from the lens. It's a completely different approach when you just grab images from the web, but it's important to find images that will make your life easy.
Anyway, if possible try and get a few more images that show different angles of a female head, then try and lattice the general proportions to get a more realistic model.

The approach you are taking for the wings is a safe approach. Modeling in the veins will help if you have any close-up shots. Plus the resolution of the mesh isn't going to hurt at render time anyway. Just make sure that when you create your texture maps that you concentrate and painting a seamless blend between the modeled veins and the wing so they feel combined and natural.


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