After testing dispalcements on flat planes, using alphas and bumps they all looked pretty bad.
to get the detail i want i would have to build each cell. I decided to use Zspheres in zbrush to fleshh out the shape. Heres my result:
XSI render: So heres where im at currently. I have to connect each strand where you see a gap. This is becuase you cannot weld zspheres together. So if you have the start of your zshpere chain, you cannot link it to the end. Silly! Shouldnt take long :D

heres my wire frame, this is as low as i could go in zbrush. Although i think there are some settigns where ic an reduce things, ill also try that with xsi.

heres my wire frame, this is as low as i could go in zbrush. Although i think there are some settigns where ic an reduce things, ill also try that with xsi.
Heres the preview of the geometry in zbrush. You can switch between polymesh view and the zspheres below.
These two images show the Zsphere rig. I constructed them on top of a reference dragonfly wing image.
Now im going to connect everything so its all closed and tidy it up, plus create the lower wing, which is slightly different to the top, but ill use this existing zsphere rig and move it about.
il then create two poly planes and make them the same shape and slot them in as the inner membrane, with some transparency. Fingers crossed it looks good.
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