Just been on to the blog and seen that everyone seems to have chucked some stuff on so I thought that I would do the same!! Have been playing around with ZBrush for the last few days, got pretty close to a look that I was happy with and then, when thinking that i should test it to see if it works as a displacement map I found out that my UV's had shifted slightly.........this put a tiny bit of the leg over the edge of the UV tile and made everything go mad...........so make sure that you check and double check your UV layout!!! So after spending some time working out wither I could transfer the deformation onto a new mesh, I decided that it would probably be better to start again.
So here I am, I have just overtaken the point which I had reached previously, but have built in some flexibility this time so I can tweak some of the details........3D layers are cool!!
Anywho, here are some screen grabs of the model as it stands:

1 comment:
cheers for the UV tip, lame that it shifted, any ideas why it did that?
The displacement is looking good man, espcially on the hands, the veins/tendons running onto the finger and thumb look great.
How many subd's are the images at?
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