Tuesday 1 May 2007

AM - Hey Dan

Your 3rd and 4th term project sounds like a cool plan. It's a great idea to be doing a hard surfaced and an organic organic character.

The design of the robot dog looks great and has a lot of potential. It's great to see that you've got a background in Industrial Design, it's helpful to have it up your sleeve in this industry.

All I can suggest at this point is really think about what you want the dog to do and what range of motion you see him performing in the future. If you have the time it might also be worth drawing some quick sketches of what he'll look like sitting down next to his companion, or even running and stretching. These simple things might highlight some design modifications which will be easier to sort out now. If you don't have time, just keep it in mind when you start building him and keep rotating joints and checking poses as you go.

Other than that, keep collecting heaps of photographic reference. I can't stress this enough. It will be the small attention to detail that will really make this character kick arse!

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